So what did we do in the workshop yesterday? Well we made some absolutely gorgeous dimentional flowers with Grungboard and a selection of Elusive Images Stamps - mainly using stamps from the Big Flowers, Diamante Delights and Ruby Tuesday themplates, but a few other's crept in too. I had first seen these last year when Lynne showed me some she had been making, they looked very tricky to make, but in actual fact they are not - well maybe a little bit if you are rubish at cutting out like me - slowest in the class cuz I can't cut out at any kind of speed.
With that done it was simply a case of layering up the flowers, adding some glitter, or spriting with Glimmer Mists or whatever took your fancy to embellish it some, and then mounting it onto a tag, or whatever you want to. My Broach is only 2 layers - remember what I said about being a slow cutter - I figured I had best limit myself to 2 layers as we were running out of time. The rest of the class not only managed to make 3 layers but added lovely flourishy swirls behind their broaches! I love the extra shimmer I got on my broach with the added spritz of Gimmer Mists.
Finally some more thanks to Judith from Judith @ Poppy Cottage and Sally from Crafty Salutations who have both given me an award - the "Makes my Heart Smile" Award. Thank you to both of you, I am very touched you thought of me when deciding who to pass the award on to. As this is an award that has been pased to me before I am going to skip on passing it onwards again, but if you are one of the folks who read this blog, please feel free to take it because your kinds comments always may MY heart smile. You can find the award logo in my sidebar.